- akubra
- австралийская фетровая шляпа (существенный элемент сельской одежды)
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Akubra — is an Australian brand of hat, whose wide brimmed styles are a distinctive part of Australian culture, especially in rural areas. The name is believed to be derived from an Indigenous Australian word for head covering. [cite book last=Bowen… … Wikipedia
Akubra — Die Australische Firma Akubra stellt seit 1912 Hüte unter diesem Namen her, jedoch ist die Geschichte des Unternehmens älter. Im Jahr 1847 begann der aus England nach Tasmanien eingewanderte Benjamin Dunkerley Hüte herzustellen. In den 1880er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Akubra — Exemple de chapeau typique Akubra Akubra est le nom d’une entreprise australienne qui fabrique des chapeaux. Les chapeaux Akubra font partie de la culture traditionnelle australienne, à tel point que, dans le langage courant, le nom d’Akubra… … Wikipédia en Français
Akubra — noun an Australian hat, similar to a fedora He had to hold his Akubra at a rakish angle to keep from being blinded by the light … Wiktionary
akubra — A shallow crowned wide brimmed hat, especially one made from felted rabbit fur. It is a significant feature of rural Australia, of politicians (especially urban based politicians) travelling in the outback, and of expatriates who wish to emphasis … Australian idioms
Akubra — the famed Australian made felt hat, an essential part of country attire … Dictionary of Australian slang
akubra — Australian Slang the famed Australian made felt hat, an essential part of country attire … English dialects glossary
akubra — /əˈkubrə/ (say uh koohbruh) noun a style of broad brimmed Australian hat, made of rabbit fur felt, which is particularly hardy in wet conditions. {trademark; claimed to be from an Australian Aboriginal word for head covering } …
Cabañas Akubra — (Пукон,Чили) Категория отеля: Адрес: Camino al Volcán km.1, 4920650 Пукон, Чили … Каталог отелей
Акубра — … Википедия
Dunlop, Australian Capital Territory — Dunlop Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Population: 5,851 (2006 cen … Wikipedia